LAGREE 2.0: Evolving the Lagree Method Once Again

Lagree Fitness is proud to launch our new and improved method, LAGREE 2.0


Evolving the lagree method

Since 1998, Lagree Fitness, which currently holds 200 patents has organically evolved due to the growth in clientele and a variety of technological breakthroughs.

Over the past 25 years, the Lagree Method has evolved into the perfect blend of strength training and with core and muscular endurance. This evolution in the method was primarily dictated by our clients, especially those wanting cardio integration. As such, the method demanded certain innovations, birthing the revolutionary LAGREE 2.0.


Introducing the Lightning Spring Change

One of the newest innovations which necessitated LAGREE 2.0 is the invention of the new remote-controlled Lightning Spring Change. As the first and only company in the world to have this technology, the Lightning Spring Change further differentiates the Lagree Method from any other type of exercise. The game-changing innovation reduces transition time by more than 90%, increasing cardiovascular demand. To put this in perspective, a typical Lagree class is about 40-minutes in duration with a total of seven to 10 minutes of transitioning time between movements. With the Lightning Spring Change, that transitioning time is reduced to ONE minute. Aside from convenience, the Lightning Spring Change offers an entire new way to teach the Lagree Method, hence the need for LAGREE 2.0.



The Benefits of Teaching with the Lighting Spring Change

With the Lightning Spring Change, a Lagree instructor can adjust an entire class of participants’ springs with the click of a button, saving time and demanding more from the muscles through every movement. The Lightning Spring Change allows the mixture of pulling and pushing exercises to allow agonist/anti-agonist training, a feature not possible on any other spring-based fitness equipment.


more achievements for lagree instructors

In addition, Lagree instructors can now achieve the following:

• Exercise combos that were previously impossible
Pair any exercises together regardless of their spring setting
Progress a set to a level not achievable otherwise
• Teach any sequence your heart desires without fear of slowing down the class
• Strip tension and perform a drop set (highly effective in bodybuilding)
• Spend more time on certain body parts/exercise
Increase the duration of a workout


The Tempo Lights

Along with quicker transitions between movements, LAGREE 2.0 emphasizes tempo. Tempo lights, currently available on the EVO 2, guide students’ pace, slowing movements and demanding more from contracted muscles. These tempo lights are especially helpful for Lagree instructors who must perfect the alignment of students and explain other elements of the method during classes. With the EVO 2’s tempo lights, instructors can now set the lights to a certain speed and instruct students to move at that speed for the duration of the class—say goodbye to counting tempo ever again!


Endless Evolution: Looking Beyond Lagree 2.0

Currently, LAGREE 2.0 is made up of 10 magic keys, referred to as the Magic 10. As Lagree Fitness machines become digitized, these keys are integrated into the machine. LAGREE 3.0 is currently in the development stages and will integrate Range of Motion. The list of upcoming innovations is endless, so prepare for even more upgrades in both the method and machinery. Evolution is key.



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