Dr. Kristin discovered Lagree Fitness shortly after graduating Chiropractic school in 2012. She had an immediate appreciation for the Lagree Method, for the low impact workout, for the muscle isolation, and the attention paid to the deep postural stabilizers throughout the workout and got certified to instruct classes.
Teaching in studios while building up her private Chiropractic practice, Dr. Kristin continued to recommend Lagree classes for people to rehab injuries, reduce physical stress, and restore more balanced posture. Finally while opening her own multidisciplinary wellness center in 2015, BodyRestoration Chiropractic in Thousand Oaks, CA, she was able to incorporate a Lagree studio in the center. As the wellness center grew, so did Dr. Kristin’s knowledge base and 10 years later, the time came to go through Lagree level 3 to become a master Lagree Fitness trainer and share the Lagree love with other aspiring trainers.