Lagree Fitness, frequently referred to as Lagree or The Lagree Method, was invented by legendary fitness professional Sebastien Lagree and founded on the five components of physical fitness: endurance, cardiovascular fitness, body composition, flexibility, and strength.
Focusing on core, strength, and endurance, Lagree is a high-intensity, low-impact, anti-inflammatory exercise method that tightens, strengthens, and tones in as little as 20-minutes a session by incorporating bodybuilding principles and movements that incorporate up to 600 muscles at once, making this method extremely time-efficient for those looking for quick, long-lasting results.
WATCH THE VIDEOThe Magic 8 of The Lagree Method
Centered on the eight principles we call the Magic 8, each workout varies in intensity to force physical changes in the body (also known as positive adaptation).
In order to teach the method and ensure physical fitness progression, Sebastien Lagree created the following 8 keys to the Lagree Method, listed in order of importance:
1. effective form
- Proper body alignment is paramount to optimize muscle efficiency and integration while eliminating the risk for injury. At Lagree Fitness, our machines are specifically engineered to guide each student in the proper alignment in conjunction with Lagree certified instructors who will adjust or correct users during classes.
2. Effective range of motion
- As users perform an exercise with proper form, they will also develop a greater range of motion. In most cases, users notice a wider range of motion and better control over exercises withing two to three sessions. This range of motion will continue to improve over time.
3. effective tempo (isokinetic)
- The Lagree Method utilizes a very slow tempo. Typically, the Lagree instructor will start at a tempo of 4 counts—4 counts to move the carriage out and 4 counts to move the carriage in. (For reference, a tempo of 4 counts represents 8 to 10 seconds depending on the beat of the music. 1 repetition at a tempo of 4 counts represents 16 to 20 seconds.) Lagree Fitness machines are specifically engineered to teach users at an even slower count. In fact, some Lagree Fitness studios may do a count of 8 (32 to 40 seconds to complete 1 repetition); Others may do a count of 16 (64 to 80 seconds to complete 1 repetition). Moving extremely slowly through each exercise will tighten the muscles while reducing overall size (“bulk”). In short, the slower the movements, the more effective the method.
4. effective duration (endurance)
- The Lagree Method starts at a minute. Expect each move to be performed for at least 1 minute, with constant and continuous muscle contraction. Resting is not allowed during each set. Some exercises are taught for 5 minutes or longer. Again, our machines are specifically designed to teach long sets. The cardiorespiratory system kicks in after the first 60 seconds of exercise. A heartrate of 135 and oftentimes upwards of 200, depending on the equipment in use and sequence, should be expected. It’s no wonder the Lagree Method will make users sweat!
5. effective sequence
- With the Lagree Method, the orchestration of exercise is paramount to the effectiveness of the training. Teaching proper form is not enough; the correct sequence of exercises is critical for optimizing the method. As such, it is important to ensure the trainer is Lagree-certified. To be sure, contact us and we will check our database.
6. effective transition
- The Lagree Method is a muscular endurance workout which eliminates any idle time between sets. Having a proper orchestration is not enough; the sequence must also flow in such a way that there is no down time in between exercises. Students should effortlessly move from one exercise to the next without losing any time. The new and improved Lagree 2.0, an advancement of our original method, eliminates transitions completely. Our machines such as the EVO 2 are specifically engineered to either diminish or eliminate transitions.
7. effective resistance
- The Lagree Method utilizes two types of resistance: Variable and Isometric. Variable: Please refer to our video titled “Springs vs Weight." Spring resistance is superior to weight because it eases the tension on connective tissues. Isometric: The method requires students to "hold" many movements for at least a minute, guaranteeing serious muscle burn and what we refer to as “The Lagree shakes.” Both types of resistance are superior to regular weightlifting as both variable and isometric resistance protect the joints.
8. effective planes of motion
- This principle will apply to the Supra and Ultra, two advanced Lagree Fitness machines not yet released. More information will be shared closer to the launch date of these machines. Sign up for our newsletter to stay in the know!
The Machines
Science-driven and purpose-built. With 184 patents, Lagree Fitness is comprised of an ever-evolving line of machines which are intended for a variety of uses: commercial, personal, and on-the-go.
All Lagree machines are engineered to teach users at a slow pace for long sets and are equipped with springs, rather than weight, since resistance and tension innate to springs is variable, allowing users to adjust tension by adjusting body placement—a critical reason as to why Lagree equipment includes indicia and lines on platforms and carriages.
In addition, springs provide the following benefits:
- Allows user to maintain precise control over movement
- Allows user to remain engaged in an exercise for longer duration of time, which equates to more muscle stimulation than weight training provides
- More effective in a group setting because all students can use the same spring with different body placements so that each works against the tension that is most effective for them.
Each Lagree machine is designed for succinct sequencing possibilities in order to reduce transition time between exercises. Newer and future Lagree machines that incorporate Lagree 2.0, an advancement of the original method, eliminate transition times completely.
Lagree Fitness is comprised of more than 600 studios worldwide and continues to be named the #1 workout on ClassPass. Each Lagree studio has undergone a comprehensive licensing process which ensures the Lagree Method is taught by certified Lagree instructors who have a complete understanding of the Magic 8, the machines used within the studio, and the sequencing required for efficacy.